Contractors - How do I gain access to the asbestos registers?

If you are a contractor who works on M&S properties and you have completed the M&S asbestos awareness training you will be allowed to access the online M&S Asbestos Registers from within Simple Compliance.

However you need to request this access by emailing:

Before emailing please make sure that:

  1. You are registered to a Company and not as an individual.
  2. Your account uses a company email address.
  3. You have completed both parts of the training.

If the above three points are not met, please send us this information with your request. For example let us know the name of the company you work for.

If you do not have a company email address we can still approach M&S on your behalf, however your account MUST be under a registered company.

Please note that you will still be allowed onsite if you have passed the training.